# Information related to reporting security vulnerabilities of this site. # How to communicate about security issues. Contact: mailto:security@marbellalane.com # Date and time after which this data is considered stale Expires: 2027-11-16T23:59:59z # Encryption # Acknowledgements # Preferred languages for communication. Preferred-Languages: en, es, zh # The most common URL for accessing this security.txt file. Canonical: https://www.marbellalane.com/.well-known/security.txt # What security researchers should do when searching for or reporting security issues. Policy: https://www.marbellalane.com/security-policy/ # Link to any security-related job openings in your organization. Hiring: https://www.linkedin.com/company/marbella-lane/jobs/ # Please see https://securitytxt.org/ for details of the specification of this file.